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The ladies Bible study is usually held on the third Thursday of the month,

 in the Compass room next to the church premises.

The evening begins with a cup of tea or coffee at around 7:30 p.m.

before the study begins at 8:00 p.m.


It is open to all women in the area who wish to study God's word in a relaxed setting,

with other women of different ages, denominations and opinions.

Discussion is encouraged as we look at various topics and portions of the bible,

often using a study guide for help.


If you are interested in attending simply come along to one of the evenings listed below and, 

someone will be there to welcome you, or if you like you can contact one of the church members.

Please contact us through our facebook page.

This year we are studying Nance Guthrie's book entitled 'Even Better than Eden'.


2024 Schedule

Thursday 18th January -

Study based on the book 'Even Better than Eden', by Nancy Guthrie.

The Story of His image.

Thursday 15th February - Valentines Tea

Thursday 14th March - 

Study based on the book 'Even Better than Eden', by Nancy Guthrie.

The Story of Clothing

Thursday 18th April - 

Study based on the book 'Even Better than Eden', by Nancy Guthrie.

The Story of the Bridegroom.

Thursday 16th May - Caregivers retreat

Thursday 18th May - End of year outing


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